The Chair of BASPSC attended the Annual Conference 2023 & General Assembly Meeting of PensionsEurope 20-22 April 2023, which took place in Berlin, Germany
Annual conference PensionsEurope 2023 on “How to protect pensions in times of turbulence”
PensionsEurope is an international organization (confederation), based in Brussels, representing national associations of pension funds, of which the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Security Companies (BASPSC) is a member. The aim is for the people of Europe to have good pensions and for this the PensionsEurope advocates at European and international level for well-funded pensions covering more people. Changes since Covid – high inflation, high interest rates and economic uncertainty, coupled with rising demographic challenges, are putting increasing pressure on pensions. Pension funds are key to finding solutions to these fundamental changes, turning them into opportunities and ensuring fair and sustainable pension legislative changes for the benefit of all to achieve decent retirement incomes.
The 2023 conference “How to protect pensions in times of turbulence” presented the current macroeconomic situation in Europe, the challenges facing pension funds and the solutions that can be envisaged by politicians and institutional investors to protect people. The all-day conference was held hybrid included keynote speeches, presentations and panel discussions from key stakeholders in the pension industry and beyond.
At the semi-annual GAM General Assembly of PensionsEurope, members of the Confederation discussed significant issues such as the organization’s priorities, problems, the difficult market environment for funds managing occupational pensions, as well as personal pension products in Europe. Particular attention and emphasis were paid to the growing transformation of the pension sector in Europe from Defined benefit to Defined Contribution base, which is emerging as the most correct and imperative solution in view of the deteriorating demographic environment and prospects.