15th Annual Insurance Awards Presented in Sofia

Bulgaria’s most prestigious annual awards in the insurance sector were presented at a ceremony in Sofia on Wednesday 17 May 2023.
The ceremony was attended by National Assembly Chair Rossen Zhelyazkov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Lazar Lazarov, Financial Supervision Commission Chair Boiko Atanassov, National Audit Office President Goritsa Grancharova, National Social Security Institute Director Ivailo Ivanov and Economic and Social Council Chair Zornitsa Russinova.
The event was organized by VUZF University, the Association of Bulgarian Insurers, the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Security Companies, the Bulgarian Association of Insurance Brokers and the Veleslav Gavriyski Foundation.
* Pension Аssurance company “Doverie” won the award in the category of the best “Pension Insurance Company of the Year 2022 for the activity of Supplementary Mandatory Pension Insurance (DZPO)”
* “Allianz Bulgaria” pension company took the prize in the category of the best “Pension Insurance Company for the year 2022 for the activity of Supplementary Voluntary Pension Insurance”
* PIC Budeshte was awarded in the category “Pension Insurance Company of the Year 2022 for the most dynamic development of its activity”
Mr. Georgi Todorov – Executive Director and member of the Board of the Pension Insurance Company POAD “CKB – SILA” AD – was awarded the prize of the Foundation “Prof. Dr. Veleslav Gavriyski” – Insurer of the year -2023, “The overall contribution is the development of Bulgarian insurance”.

Congratulations to the winners!