PensionsEurope’s CEEC FORUM 2022 – 14.06.2022 Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Zagreb

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On 14 June 2022 Mrs Evelina Miltenova (Chair of BASPSC), Mr. Miroslav Marinov (Executive Director PIC Doverie) and Mr. Nickolay Slavchev (Senior Methodology Expert PIC Alianz) participated on behalf of the Bulgarian Association of supplementary pension insurance companies in the hybrid event of the PensionsEurope’s CEEC Forum in association with IPE, Association of the Croatian Pension funds and hosted by UMFO (Croatian Chamber of Commerce – Zagreb.
The forum took place on 14 June 2022 at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (Rooseveltov Trg 2, Zagreb, Croatia) in Zagreb and was also available online. The Pensions Europe stablished the Central and Eastern European Countries Forum to discuss common issues to pension systems in that region. The speakers discussed on issues as varied as the EU Recovery and resilience facility and relevance in pension reforms, the consequences of the war in Ukraine on pension funds, the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) and impacts on EU Capital Markets and retirement income, the opportunities and challenges for CEEC private equity and venture capital, Recent developments in the CEEC regions, etc Mr Marinov took part in person in the panel analyzing the Impact of the War in Ukraine on the pension funds. He acknowledged the Bulgarian pension funds had practically no exposure to Russian investments due to the prudent decisions and highly conservative approach adopted after the Crimean annexation.
